Hey Jammers! Welcome to the Journey Guide page! Here, I will show you all the Journey Guide animals. All credit of this page goes to Animal Jam World.
*Also as you can see the labels are above the animals, not below.*
Black Mamba: The black mamba snake comes out from behind the Conservation Museum and slithers through the middle of the town towards Jamaa township.
Cockroach: The cockroach is crawling around right in front of the Conservation Museum.
Golden Mole: The golden mole can be found to the left of the Guinea fowl, in the dark area behind the Conservation Museum.
Guinea Fowl: This bird is perched on the rocky ledge to the left of the fruit slinger game.
Meerkat: The meerkat can be found sitting on a rock near the center of the mud pool.
Rock Hyrax: Find this animal sitting on a rock to the right of the mud pool.
Warthog: The warthog can be seen standing near the bottom edge of the mud pool.
Weaverbird: The weaverbird flies in from the left and lands on the nest near the Paws and Claws.
Wildebeest: This animal can be seen grazing in the field behind the Pest Control game.
Zebra: The Zebra can be found running back and forth in the distance, behind the Paws and Claws shop.
Once you find all of the animals above, you’ll be awarded with a Acacia Pet Tree. Way to go!
Coral Canyons:
Basilisk Lizard: The basilisk lizard runs from the waterfall near the Double Up game to the pet wash.
Cacao Tree: The cacao tree is found on the left side of the Juice Hut.
Centipede: The centipede is crawling on the roof of the pet wash.
Crab: The crab can be seen on the beach near Tierney’s Aquarium.
Flamingo: The flamingo is standing next to the Bahari Bay dock.
Green Iguana: The green iguana is found on the roof of the Juice Hut.
Macaw: The macaw is sitting on the roof of Tierney’s Aquarium on the rope.
Sand Dollar: The sand dollar is found between the two slides on the left.
Sugarcane: The sugarcane is found growing to the left of the Juice Hut.
Tapir: The tapir comes out of the cave entrance to Mt. Shiveer.
Tide Pool: The tide pool is located to the right of Tierney’s Aquarium.
After completing the Crystal Sands Journey Book, you receive a lemonade stand as a gift.
Kimbara Outback:
Blue Penguin: The blue penguin can be seen diving off a rock at the bottom of the waterfall.
Cassowary: The cassowary is found in the background near the windmill.
Frilled Lizard: The frilled lizard is found under the boardwalk near the bottom of the waterfall.
Galah: The galah bird can be seen landing on top of the medical building.
Kookaburra: The kookaburra lands on the roof of the medical building.
Lyrebird: The lyrebird can be seen perched in the tree at the lower right corner of the area.
Platypus: The platypus can be found swimming at the bottom of the waterfall.
Sugar Glider: The sugar glider is found climbing on the windmill.
Tiger Snake: The tiger snake is found on the rocks next to the medical building.
Trapdoor Spider: The trapdoor spider is on the web to the left of the medical building.
After you complete the Kimbara Outback journey book, you’ll get a windmill as a prize.
Lost Temple of Zios:
Colugo: The colugo flys and lands on a perch near the Falling Phantoms game.
Dragonfly: Keep your eye out for the dragonfly. It flies all around the area.
Hibiscus: The hibiscus flower can be found on the left side of the Chamber of Knowledge.
Monitor Lizard: The monitor lizard can be found on the rocks in front of Brady Barr’s Laboratory.
Needlefish: The needlefish can be seen swimming in the stream near the entrance to Jamaa Township.
Pitcher Plant: The pitcher plant is found growing on top of the Temple of Trivia.
Praying Mantis: The praying mantis appears on a bush next to the sign for Brady Barr’s laboratory.
Python: The python is found to the right of the entrance to the Chamber of Knowledge. Click on the mouse for the python to appear.
Turte: The turtle crawls out from behind the gold rocks near the entrance to Crystal Sands.
Vine Snake: The vine snake is found on a column to the right of Brady Barr’s laboratory.
Water Strider: The water strider appears from the cave to the left of the Ssssnake game.
As a reward for completing the Lost Temple of Zios Journey Book, you’ll receive an Elephant Throne.
Mt. Shiveer:
Gold: Gold can be found to the left of the Crystal Sands entrance on the wall.
Hawk Moth: The hawk moth can be found flying near the bridge to the Sarepia Forest.
Himalayan Poppy: This plant is located to the left of the Cocoa Hut.
Himalayan Tahr: This animal can be found climbing up the top of the mountain above the slide.
Juniper: The Juniper tree can be found at the bottom of the area between the hot springs and the Cocoa Hut.
Partridge: You’ll find the partridge to the left of the campfire.
Lemming: This small animal can be found to the right of the ice slide, about halfway down.
Permafrost: The permafrost can be found to the right of the ice rink.
Red Panda: The red panda can be seen climbing the bamboo to the right of the hot springs.
Slate: This rock can be found above the Cocoa Hut on the side of the cliff.
Yak: You can see a herd of Yak to the right of the Gem Breaker game when the fog clears.
After finding all of these animals, you’ll get a Red Panda Plushie as a gift.
Sarepia Forest:
Chipmunk: The chipmunk is found on a branch above the butterfly pet finder.
Firefly: The fireflies are located underneath the butterfly pet finder.
Great Horned Owl: The great horned owl will fly down and land on the Coral Canyons sign next to the theater.
Moss: Moss is found on the tree at the bottom of the slide.
Mushroom: The mushrooms are found in the area at the bottom of the slide.
Poison Ivy: Poison ivy is found to the left of the Super Sort game.
Raven: The raven can be found sitting on a post to the left of the theater entrance.
Skunk: There is a family of skunks that walks by the campfire.
Snail: The snail crawls out from the log near the Hedge Hog game.
Termite: The termite nest is found on a tree to the right of the butterfly pet finder.
Woodpecker: The woodpecker can be found on the tree directly below the Pill Bugs game.
After completing the Sarepia Forest Journey Book, you’ll receive a Treehouse gift.
Bahari Bay:
Barracuda: Wait by the seahorse statue and a school of barracudas will swim by.
Barrel Sponge: The barrel sponge is located near the bottom of the area on the left side.
Elephant Seal: Wait above the seahorse statue and the elephant seal will swim by.
Giant Clam: On the bottom of the area on the left side where you’ll find the giant clam.
Jellyfish: Wait near the seahorse statue. Jellyfish will swim by across the screen.
Kelp: Kelp can be found under the Splash and Dash game.
Moray Eel: The moray eel can be seen on the lower right hand side of the area under the jellyfish pet place.
Oyster: The oyster is found near the barrel sponge at the bottom left side of the area.
Scallop: Look under the seahorse pet place to find the scallop.
Sea Cucumber: The sea cucumber is on the lower left side of Bahari Bay, under the oyster.
Sea Star: The sea star is located to the right of the oyster.
Your reward for finding these animals is a Seahorse Fountain. Nice work!
Crystal Reef:
Acorn Barnacle: The acorn barnacle is found to the upper right of the Flippers and Fins door on the rocks.
Brain Coral: The brain coral is sitting on the ocean floor on the left side of Crystal Reef.
Clown Fish: The clown fish is swimming near the surface, to the left of the ladder.
Feather Duster Worm: The feather duster worm is found near the door to Flippers and Fins.
Flounder: The flounder can be found swimming in a school near the surface of the water.
Humpback Whale: The humpback whale can be seen swimming through the gap near the bottom of Crystal Reef.
Lobster: Above the door to Flippers and Fins is where the lobster sits.
Marlin: The marlin swims across the screen below the Flippers and Fins door.
Pufferfish: The pufferfish swims across the screen near the Flippers and Fins door.
Staghorn Coral: The staghorn coral is located to the left of the lobster.
Stingray: The stingray can be found swimming along the bottom of the area.
Tube Sponge: The tube sponge is growing to the right of the Flippers and Fins door.
After finding all of the Crystal Reef animals, you’ll be rewarded with a Pufferfish Plushie.
Deep Blue:
Anglerfish: The anglerfish can be seen swimming back and forth under the giant isopod.
Coelacanth: This fish can be seen swimming near the Bahari Bay sign.
Fangtooth: The fangtooth swims along the ocean floor.
Frogfish: The frogfish is swimming back and forth under the Crystal Reef sign.
Giant Isopod: The giant isopod can be seen crawling to the left of the Kani Cove sign.
Giant Squid: The giant squid can bes seen swimming across the screen near the Kani Cove sign.
Gulper Eel: The gulper eel appears from the left side on the very bottom of the Deep Blue area.
Hatchetfish: Found swimming across the screen near the Kani Cove sign.
Oarfish: Look for the oarfish in the open area above the Kani Cove entrance.
Viperfish: You can find the viperfish swimming near the Phantom’s treasure game.
After you complete you complete the Deep Blue Journey Book, you receive a Porthole Fish Tank.
Kani Cove:
Conch: The conch snail can be found crawling across the ocean floor near the Deep Blue entrance.
Cormorant: You’ll see the cormorant diving near the school of fish by the ship’s mast.
Cuttlefish: The cuttlefish swims back and forth near the entrance to Deep Blue.
Hammerhead Shark: The hammerhead shark swims across the screen near the sunken ship’s mast.
Manatee: The manatee appears near the sign for Tierney’s Aquarium.
Nautilus: The nautilus appears near the treasure chest by the shipwreck.
Parrot Fish: The parrot fish is swimming back and forth near the Deep Blue sign.
Sea Urchin: The sea urchin is sitting next to the sunken ship on the left side of Kani Cove.
Shrimp: The shrimp can be seen at the bottom of Kani Cove near the Deep Blue entrance.
Spotted Snake Eel: The spotted snake eel is found in the barrels between the sunken ships.
Once the Kani Cove Journey Book is completed, you get a toy boat pond for your den.

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