Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dirt Bike

Hey Jammers! I'm back with another post...

We now have a Dirt Bike in stores... in which it doesn't even look like a Dirt Bike.

Looks: **
Price: **
Jamaaisan: **
6/12. This isn't the awesomest item I've ever seen...

The Aquarium released a new video: "Do whales migrate?"

Safe chat is only for members that verified parental consent. Now that is just crap. If I could go to HQ I'd slap everyone in the face. Nice way to get people to leave, HUH?!

Ok so after my little rant the Daily Explorer posted an article: "JAMMER TIP - Phantom Armor." I don't think we are stupid, AJHQ =.=

Glitch Corner

I'm pretty sure a lot of your have seen this glitch in Jamaa. It's pretty weird and I don't know how it could happen. :T

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