History & Legends

Animal Jam History:

  Once long ago, there was a Sky Father name Zios. He created many stars and planets. After his creations he became lonely. So Zios created a Sky Mother called Mira, a grey heron.

     Mira was very kind and beautiful, and Zios and Mira loved each other very much. Mira would tell Zios how talented he was and encourage him to create. One day, Zios and Mira created a wonderful land, with mountains, rivers, oceans, and many different plants and animals. They named it Jamaa.

    For hundreds of years the land and animals were at peace. Then a dark force entered the land of Jamaa, ruining animals lives, and destroying everything. They were called Phantoms. Then the Alphas came. No one knew where they came from, but they came. Sir Gilbert, Greely, Cosmo, Peck and Graham drove the Phantoms away from Jamaa, Liza stayed behind to protect Jamaa.

     Now the Alphas have returned! Jamaa lived in peace for a short while. But now the Phantoms are back! It is your job to protect Jamaa, and defeat the Phantoms!

Animal Jam Legend:
Of how the Phantoms came to Jamaa.
     Mira, the Sky Mother, was so heartbroken when she lost Zios, the Sky Father. Her tears of anger and sadness fell to the land of Jamaa. Her tears mixed with elements of Jamaa and formed the dark force, The Phantoms.
     Because of the sadness and anger that created the Phantoms, there only goal is to bring chaos and destruction to Jamaa. Now it is our job, as Jamaasians, to defeat the Phantoms! Do you think you can complete this dangerous quest?
Jamaasian Anthem:
     This music video is by snowyclaw.
-Thank You snowy, for inspiring me
to make this blog.-

Old Animal Jam:

Many Jammers miss the old Animal Jam. But it would be cool if Jammers could have one week every year of the old Animal Jam. Wouldn't that be epic?! You could get a taste of difference from Animal Jam long ago.

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