Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Channel + New Blog?!

Hey Jammers! Yes.. I have a new channel and new blog: Animal Jam Horse Masters I will be posting on that blog starting May 1st. So.... I am pretty much "leaving" this blog. Hope to see you around AJ Horse Masters!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Gloves are back

Hey Jammers!

The Rare Item Monday is the Rare Glove. Did this happen before? Oh yeah, Fox Hats -.- I have a feeling that every Rare and beta is going to back...

Looks: ****
Price: *
Jamaasian: ****
One of the most popular nm items... just the price is unbelieveable O-O

Sunken Liza Tiki Statue... it's freaky looking...

The Daily Explorer posted an article: "RIM - Rare Platinum Glove."

Epic Den of the Week

Epic Den of the Week goes to Endee. Sorry.. I forgot to put her user on the top XD

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dirt Bike

Hey Jammers! I'm back with another post...

We now have a Dirt Bike in stores... in which it doesn't even look like a Dirt Bike.

Looks: **
Price: **
Jamaaisan: **
6/12. This isn't the awesomest item I've ever seen...

The Aquarium released a new video: "Do whales migrate?"

Safe chat is only for members that verified parental consent. Now that is just crap. If I could go to HQ I'd slap everyone in the face. Nice way to get people to leave, HUH?!

Ok so after my little rant the Daily Explorer posted an article: "JAMMER TIP - Phantom Armor." I don't think we are stupid, AJHQ =.=

Glitch Corner

I'm pretty sure a lot of your have seen this glitch in Jamaa. It's pretty weird and I don't know how it could happen. :T

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Modern Glass Shelves

Hey Jammers! So sorry for the late post. I "slept" in, in which from my perspective is about 7 XDD

We have the new and improved Modern Glass Shelves.
Original Color: Tan

Looks: **
Price: ***
Jamaasian: **
Not the best item. Jamaa is more of a adventure place, not a modernized city.

Teh Daily Explorer posted an article about: "AJ ACADEMY - Sea Turtles." 


Enjoy this music video: "Fireflies by Owl city."

Friday, April 25, 2014

Hercules' Sandals

Hey Jammers! Explorer here with another post! I am going to be updating AJ Adventure a bunch so watch out for new updates!

We have the Winged Shoes back in stores!
Original color: Red with white wings.

Looks: ***
Price: ***
Jamaaisan: **
Overall a score of 8/12. Pretty nice item!

There is a new video in Brady's theater: "Are bats the only mammals that can fly?"

The Daily Explorer posted an article with a YouTube video: "AJHQ+A."
YouTube Video title: "Animal Jam - Ask Brady: Why is the king cobra called a king cobra?"

༻Awesome Jammer Art༺

Phantom Fan Art by personqwer
Check out this deviantART painting: "Phantom Fan Art."
Click this link to go to the page of the painting: Phantom Fan Art.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Hey Jammers! Explorer is back with another post!

We have the Trident being sold at Bahari Bargains once again.
Original Color: Gold

Price: ***
Looks: ***
Jamaasian: ***
Overall a pretty good score! 9/12

The Daily Explorer posted a HUGE article: "NEWS CREW - Giraffes."

Explorer's News:

 I could easily go by these rules. XD

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Glass Shelves

Hey Jammers! So I wanted to let you all know that I will be posting at this time ever morning. Why you ask? I have to get up at 4:30 every morning and I am way to tired to do a blog post. So yeah...

We have the all new glass Shelves.

Looks: ***
Price: ****
Jamaaisan: ***
Overall a pretty good score!

Sarepia Theater has a new video: "Bottlenose Hunt on Sandy Shore."

The Daily Explorer posted an article about: "JAMMER ART - Giraffes."
How do you guys like the italics for the titles of Daily Explorer posts and new videos? Let me know in the comments.

Mystery of the Week:

Yeah I know you have probably seen this a million times but have you ever wondered if it would defrost? Will it lead to a new animal in Jamaa?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day!

Hey Jammers! It's Earth Day! What can you do to make a good cause?

We have an all new item: Offset Glass Shelves!

Looks: **
Price: ***
Jamaaisan: **
Not the best item, but a good price!

The Daily Explorer posted an article: "CREATURE FEATURE - Leafcutter Ants."
And AJ won't load today... So I can't get the new video -./

Did You Know?:

Did you know that Pet Joeys do different actions according to the clothes they are wearing? Cool! *Credit for this picture goes to AJ Sky.*

Monday, April 21, 2014

RIM + New Animals?

Hey Jammers! RIM today!

Today's RIM is a Rare Pirate Beard.

Looks: **
Price: ***
Jamaasian: ***
Pretty good item, except the looks.

There is a new video in the Aquarium: "What is a coral reef made of?"

The Daily Explorer posted an article: "RIM - Rare Pirate Beard."
Guess what someone found! A pet Cheetah photo! Is this what is coming in the "We Are coming." photo below?

Looks like we already have pet Tigers and we know there is a Cheetah coming... Are we getting a pet Lion too?!

E.D. of the Week:

E.D. of the Week does to annafairy! Congratulations Anna!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Hey Jammers! Happy Easter!

Epic Wonders has released an all new Cherry Blossom tree... try not to touch it because the petals will fall off.

Looks: ****
Price: **
Jamaasian: ***
I think this is a really cute item!

The Daily Explorer posted a tip: "GAME TIP - Earth Day."

You can do periods, exclamation points and question marks in Jam-A-Grams now.

There is another option to remove non-buddies from your den. Lol, I guess this works for the famous people that wanna get peepz outta their den XD

Glitch Corner:

x3 I glitch I found. I put on Cupid Wings and did the "Play" action and look what happened XD

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Weaving Shoes

Hey Jammers! 1355 PAGEVIEWS!!! Thanks So So So Much guys!

All new Woven shoes! I have decided to do a scale for this one:

Looks: ***
Price: ****
Jamaasian: ****
And it's non-member!

There is a new video in Brady's theater: "Are bunnies rodents?"

Now again -./ I am having problems with the Daily Explorer post. The title of their post today is: "AJHQ NEWS - Giraffe Adoption."

Check out this cool AJMV by 7dog7c, alyplus on AJ.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Sittin In A Swing With Greely

Hey Jammers! Sadly, I don't feel good today.. ;-;

We have the all new Porch swing..

And a Nesting Greely Doll.

Beta gloves turned into Rare Gloves.

Sarepia released a new video: "Hunt And Peck."

Speaking of videos did you notice the new giant pause button?

There are new Buddy Request Jam-A-Gram.

The Daily Explorer posted an article about Giraffes. They seemed to be gone for so long!

And another about Whales.

Awesome Jammer Art:

Check out this cute Snow Leopard painting!