Thursday, February 20, 2014

Eagles Are Here + Diamond shop = A heartbreak in Jamaa

Hey Jammers! Today is one of AJ's BIG updates!

Eagles are finally here! They cost 10 diamonds though...

These positions are from Animal Jam Sky Blog...

10 diamonds and not nm... DX

Pet tigers are back and Jamaa and also you can explorer more places with eagles...

A new game in Jamaa... Swoopy Eagle! Alot like Flappy Bird.

You can now buy diamonds in outfitters! You can get 10 to 60 diamonds! Wow!

Conservation Museum and eagles...

Sure enough...

New diamond shop items... it's really sad because AJ is making everyone non-rare. Just wait till they come out with worns and nm swords to slap us in the face.

Hockey skates are in stores... which probably no one cares about since everyone is in the diamond shop TRYING to get diamonds.

New Jam-A-Gram pages...

Happy Lucky Day! (I don't even know when it is.)

A new calender in Jamaa...

Explorer's news:

This is really sad... the diamond shop has caused so much trouble and heartbreak in Jamaa I don't like it anymore. Everyone is trying to get diamonds now...

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