The Daily Explorer posted an article. '-' "Thank You" they say. There is also a new code: "Thanks"
And another about Eagles :T
Explorer's News:
I have new logos for a few of the Annual celebrations! >Top to bottom< Christmas logo, Valentine logo, Halloween logo and Thanksgiving logo. And finally my very new logo down below!
Hey Jammers! Today I will be leaving for another trip... I will be gone until Sunday O_O But if I have any possibly way to post I will try to do it. The chance is very low though...
We have the "Fossilized" tooth necklace. It's awkward because it used to be called "Shark" tooth necklace.
Brady's theater has a new video about snakes. I wanna hold the miniature snake DX
The Daily Explorer posted an article about a Creature Feature.
Mystery of the Week:
In the search for Greely, why are there a bunch of little Phantoms coming up that pipe? What will they do with them? Where are they going?
Hey Jammers! I asked my mom if I could get on the computer while they were still sleeping and she said "YES!" So I can do the proper blog post now!
The new item is a Table with Orb. Well I wouldn't say new, but returning item.
So AJ is offline making more space for other Jammers and stuff. It's funny in the first part when they say the Phantoms have taken over Jamaa, but they're kidding.
Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late posts in the morning... I have been staying up and partying so I get up late, in which is about 6:30... to me that is late. Anyways lets check out the new items.
And our Rare item Monday is a Shark Fin! I really like it alot, the colors are so pretty together.
The Daily Explorer posted an article about RIM. I can't really tell but is that a Rare mask on the deer? It's hard to tell... it looks so weird.
Epic Den of the Week:
Epic Den of the Week goes to supercat827! Congratulations Super!
*I am going start to do Adventure blog news above the daily segments. Come back tomorrow to check it out!*
The new adventure has come out! The search for Greely.
I hope everyone was able to get a panda.
You can now watch a video of an eagle being released in the wild, and a new video in Sarepia about Kangroos.
April Fools' Party is finally here!
AJ's calender is updated.
And a new Jam-A-Gram picture.
The new item is a Pile of Treasure sold at Sunken Teasures.
Explorer's News:
In the Search for Greely it said to activate the mysterious machine and I'm like "I don wanna activate the mysterious machine." And it did that do me I'm like "YOLO" c: