Friday, January 31, 2014

Heart Lockets + Going on trip (AGAIN)

Hey Jammers! I don't have school today, hehe. But I have to let you know that I am going on another trip and I don't know if I will be able to post the new items, but I when I get back, I will post all the updates.

The Heart Locket is back!

There is a new video in Brady's theater.

The Daily Explorer posted an article about How to be a Savvy Jammer.

Awesome Jammer Art:

This is a deviantART by MyRaichuAndMe. Pretty cool. XD

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Heart Pathways

Hey Jammers! I love the Valentines in Jamaa!

Here are the new and recently released Heart Pathway. I wish I could be for non-members too. 

The Daily Explorer posted an article out Winter Jammer Snaps.

Explorer's News:

Ok so, do these look like they are moving??? Pretty cool. If you want to see more look up Optical Illusions  on Google Images.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Hey Jammers! I have some news! This logo will be at the bottom of every post for now on. And also there is going to be a new format for the adventure blog! Keep checking for updates!

Heart Eyes Patch

Hey Jammers! It's finally snowing where I am at! Yey!

Bahari Bargains released the Heart Eye Patch

There is a new video in the Sarepia Theater.

The Daily Explorer posted an article about Jammer Art.

Mystery of the Week:

The Chamber of Knowledge doesn't make any sense. There are Alpha statues and armor. Who does it all belong to? Did someone once live there???

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Friendship Party

Hey Jammers! Have you all heard that the Friendship Party is back?

The Pink Chest is sold at Jam-Mart Furniture.

These are all the items sold at the Friendship party...

The Daily Explorer posted an video about Dr. Brady Barr.

Did you know?
Did you know that the Mira statue is frozen? At Halloween, there is a tall Phantom statue in place of her.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Rare Item Monday

Hey Jammers! Sorry for such a late post, I had a fever last night so I slept in...

I don't really like this Rare Item Monday...

There is a new video in the Aquarium.

The Daily Explorer posted an article about Rare Item Monday.

Epic Den of the Week:

And the Epic Den of the Week goes to SerenaaAhliieXD!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Top Coats

Hey Jammers! The items keep getting weirder and weirder! :T

It's a lil' Fancy Topcoat XD

The Daily Explorer posted an article about having Trouble Chatting...

Jammer of the Week:

 And it is.... -Drum rolls- wolfblue1473! And yes non-members can be Jammer of the Week on the Adventure blog. No one is left out!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Furry hats

Hey Jammers! I am so happy there is no school today!!!

Today, we have the Furry Hat!

There is a new video in Brady's Theater...

The Daily Explorer posted an article about The Lost Temple of Zios Journey book...

Animal Jam Music Video:

I know this isn't a Music Video but I just wanted to show you one of my Random Videos! :D

Friday, January 24, 2014

Pet Cabin

Hey Jammers! Not much new news Today...

There is a new Pet Cabin... But I am really angry that it is for members only.

The Daily Explorer posted an article about Adventures on the World Map.

Awesome Jammer Art:

Check this out... It's pretty cool. This art work is by Mythical Articwolf!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lots of news!

Hey Jammers! There is lots of news!

The returning starfish is back!

Exciting news, there is a deer Alpha!

There is a new video is Sarepia theater...

The Daily Explorer posted an article about Jammer Art.

Also ALL dens are half price! Even ones in the Diamond Shop!

Now you can access any adventure by the world map!

February is almost here!

Explorer's News:

Have you ever tried playing Hedge Hog? It's actually fun, just like Pac-Man almost!
Click this link: Google Pacman to play Pac-Man on Google.